Personal Ministries (now called ‘Mission Focus’)
Mission Focus exists to encourage believers to ‘share his/her faith’ in word and deed on a consistent basis. Witnessing is necessary for a Christian to grow and develop into Christian maturity. Witnessing Christians are a ‘candle’ to light the path to Christ by Bible Study, Prayer and Baptism.
Prayer Ministry
Here at City Temple we believe prayer is not just an important part, but the essential component in discerning God’s desire and direction for us. We want to be a “praying church,” not just a church that prays. Therefore, we truly believe where prayer is the focus, God’s power will fall. We need you to help us become a “praying church.” We offer several intercessory prayer ministries through which you can get involved.
Throughout the year, we have many opportunities that allow you to pray for different issues in a variety of ways.
Sabbath School
What is Sabbath School? Sabbath School is a discussion. Sabbath School is a family. Sabbath School is a place for free, friendly, and fascinating conversation about the Word of God. Sabbath School is where you come to ask the hard questions and find enlightening answers. Sabbath School is where you come to talk seriously and intimately with Jesus and with your church family. Sabbath School is where you come to find people who are like you – people on a journey through life, working to discover the meaning of it, the best way to live it, and the Man who gave it. So come to Sabbath School! Bring your kids, your parents, and your friends. Together we’ll find in God what we need.
Divisions & Classes:
Youth and Young Adult Divisions
Children’s Division
Each Sabbath morning at 10:00 AM, Sabbath School classes welcome children for 45 minutes of active learning geared to their stage of faith development, for 3 – 12 year olds. The curriculum utilized is the Foundations in Faith program theme of the Dig In curriculum produced by Group Publishing.
Young Adult
Family Life Ministries
The Family Life Ministries supports families through Christ’s love. Whether the focus is on a single mother with teenagers or grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, programs help maintain the family’s physical and spiritual strength through:
The families in City Temple and our community are a precious asset and, unfortunately, they are under attack. Children are being exposed to more dangers and adults are stretched to the maximum just to cope with demands of everyday life. No matter what you call family we want you to become an intimate part of our church family. If you are single or married, a grandparent or mother of two teenage children our church is the place for you.
If you would like to be a part of the ministries this church has for families contact the Family Ministries leader at
Men’s Ministry
Jesus’ public ministry involved developing relationships with other men, to help them build faith. Following that mandate, the Men’s Ministry supports men, as they become committed Christians, husbands, fathers, brothers and community members.
Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry helps women come together as sisters in the Lord, to strengthen their relationship with Jesus and each other. Through an understanding of gospel and dedication to service, women in this ministry become more Christ-centered.
Silver Wisdom
Singles Ministry
The Singles Ministry brings together men and women who alone, and creates fellowship for them in the body of Christ. Through active Bible study, community service and other activities, members experience a sense of belonging, and can elevate the Word of God as a tool for spiritual nourishment.
In addition to service and study, programs include:
MICAH 7:19